Our Partners
Makeblock - a global leader in STEAM education, offering educational construction sets and programming for children.
AOSEED - developer of unique educational toys and devices for children's creative development.
Skyworth - an international manufacturer of electronics and home appliances, enhancing everyday life through innovation.
Zosi Tech - a specialist in video surveillance and security systems, providing protection for homes and businesses.
Matatalab - an educational project with robots and STEAM kits for developing programming and creativity in children.
ZR Educational Tech - offers educational technology solutions aimed at improving the learning process.
UBTECH Robotics - is a global leader in innovative robotics, integrating technologies to enhance life.
FlashForge - a global leader in 3D printing, integrating innovations to enhance creative processes.
Deli Print Solutions - provides high-quality printers for office and home, ensuring reliability and efficiency for your printing needs.
Our Services
  • Interactive panels ranging from 75, 80, and 90 inches
  • Robotics kits with age categories Junior, Middle, Senior
  • Various models of 3D printers and laser cutting machines
  • Solutions for government and corporate sectors
  • Solutions for the education sector
  • Solutions for individual customers
  • Implemented Projects
  • Testimonials
Training Center
  • Education Department
  • Robotics Department
  • 3D Technology, Laser Cut Department
  • Professional Development Programs
Contact Us
Do you have any questions about our products or services? Write to us right now, and we will answer all your questions.
We work hard every day to make our customers happy.
How to Get to Our Office?
For your convenience, we provide detailed instructions on how to get to our office.

Address: Al-Farabi Avenue, 116/21

We are located in a convenient area, and you can use navigation services for quick and easy delivery. Simply click the button below to open the route in 2GIS.