Preparation for Career Growth
Yanshee is an entirely new educational robot designed to provide an ultimate open-source platform for teachers and students for learning, experimenting, researching, and interacting.
Merging Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
Standing nearly 15 inches tall, Yanshee merges cutting-edge artificial intelligence interface, a programmable Raspberry Pi board, and a host of sensors and functionalities. All of this enables Yanshee to execute tasks on command, assess environmental conditions, speak, listen, respond thoughtfully to questions, and transmit data.

  • Infrared sensor
  • Temperature sensor
  • Capacitive sensor
  • Humidity sensor
  • Pressure sensor
Rigorous educational curriculum and an active learning environment.
With a rigorous curriculum and an active educational environment, the accompanying educational program of Yanshee contributes to the development of students' skills at all levels of preparation for various professions. Teachers will be provided with appropriate support and guidance to maximize investments in this high-tech teaching assistant. Yanshee will add personality, emotions, and real-world connection to robotics and programming, creating a highly engaging environment for students.
Yanshee is a humanoid robot equipped with rich athletic abilities and comprehensive artificial intelligence capabilities. The robot is equipped with:
  • Broadcom BCM2837 processor, 1.2GHz 64-bit quad-core ARM Cortex-A53;
  • It has 1GB of RAM and 16GB of built-in memory;
  • The camera features 8 million pixels with fixed focus;
  • It includes sensors like a 9-axis motion sensor and temperature sensors;
  • Its interfaces include HDMI, USB, GPIO, Bluetooth 4.1, and Wi-Fi.
The robot is capable of executing complex movements such as walking, somersaults, push-ups, and climbing stairs. It supports graphical programming through Blockly, Python, and other languages, making it accessible for all levels of education.
User-friendly software
The Yanshee application features a game-like interface and can be used for controlling movement, block programming, PRP, and accessing relevant educational courses
Yanshee has been successfully integrated into the curricula of many schools and universities. Teachers use the robot for conducting practical programming sessions, solving robotics-related tasks, and even for robotics competitions.