Skyworth SMVH09B-2B2A3NM


Air conditioner type: Split system

Color: White

Noise level (min/max), dB: 40/36/24/19

Additional Information: remote control

Operating mode: Cooling/heating

Mounting kit: Yes

Compressor type: Inverter

Installation: Wall

Power consumption during cooling, W: 750

Heating, BTU/h: 9212.4

Cooling capacity, BTU/h: 8530

Energy efficiency class: A++

Serviced area, sq.m: 18

Maximum air exchange, m³/hour: 520

Maximum length of communications, m: 5

Refrigerant type: R 22

Supply voltage, V: 220~240В

Equipment: 1.Set of fastening elements. 2. Control panel.

Weight of the indoor unit, kg: 9

Weight of external unit, kg: 27

Weight, kg: 36